Monday, June 25, 2012

Blessing for being in my life

I've made 2 cards with my new distress ink pad which I got last week. Recently I'm kinda obsessed with brick wall after inspired by a roadside advertisement. I've made another few cards with brick wall design before this card, but each one with different technique. I learnt this technique when I run through some card making tutorials on youtube, and I found it quite interesting then I tried it. From the picture you might think that the brick wall is a stamping and drawing, half correct,  there is a stamping but no drawing. First of all I stamp a background stamp on a piece of white card stock,then I cut them out into many small pieces, and colour the sides with distress ink and join them back together. That is how the brick wall created. Sound easy but it just a little bit of time consuming.

This is another one using my new distress ink colour. I love the vibrant red tone colour. First time trying out the vintage style, still learning and hope for improvement.

Monday, June 18, 2012

La~la~la~my new toys

最近又买了新东西咯~呵呵。。。等了好久终于等到了。这次多添了几种distress ink pad,rubber stamps, clear stamp。最喜欢的是那个impression obsession的background stamp,第一眼看到我就深深的爱上了她,是branches的background stamp,我还没试不知出来的效果如何,希望会不错。我喜欢她很细很细的树枝图腾,看下去给人一种无限延展的视觉想像空间,就像冬天站在森林里透过掉完叶子的树木仰望天空,我太喜欢树了~!再来很开心的就是我的paper trimmer,接下来割纸就可以快很多了。

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Address book

很久很久都没有自己寄信给人了,最近因为开始做卡片才又接触回邮寄信封。也因为这次的Artist trading card我才开始又接触回邮票,集邮曾经是我的兴趣之一,写信也是。昨天要去邮寄atc时竟然找不到我要的信封,是不是现在太少人寄信了连信封的选择也少了那么多,明明记得以前买信封是很容易的事,现在的普通信封只有一两种(可能是我这里太少选择了)而且薄到不能接受的程度,最后我之好回到以前‘古老’的一个信封折法自己快速的弄一个信封。我跟着本能尝试折出那个信封,结果还是忘了弄不好,最后只好翻出学生时代和朋友之间通信时的邮件,哇,真的很久历史了,我很庆幸自己还保留着他们,看着朋友的笔迹就让我有种莫名的感动,大学时期的朋友我就认不出他们的笔迹了(除了少数被我抄功课的朋友,哈哈~)最后只翻出一个我要找的信封,大概就懂怎样弄了。迟点我再放上来和大家分享一下,其实很简单罢了。其实收到信是件很令人开心的事,现在我们都不再做这些被列为‘麻烦’的事,但是就因为麻烦所以更显诚意,我相信这是很多爱手作朋友的信念,所以才会用心花时间去制作自己喜爱的东西。我想接下来我会经常寄信,保持邮差的工作量,哈哈,所以呢,我要制作一本adress book,来记载身边人的地址,须要寄信或包裹时就能给对方惊喜了不是吗~?

完成了我的address book,简简单单的设计,里面是空白的纸,反正是自己用的随性一点也无所谓

Happy Birthday

I've made a card for my sister, it is a very simple card with the vibrant colour tone. I hope she will like it.

Artist Trading Card (ATC) - Miss you my friend

I've just sent 7 ATC cards, still cant post the picture until everyone receives 7 ATCs from others.
Here is the view from outside

Here is my new update, the other 7 members  already received my ATC and I also finished collecting 7 ATCs from them!

Excited right?
Let's see, these are my ATCs. Excuse for the blurry image, those cards already sent out I cant retake the photo :(

Those are the ATCs I've received, aren't they cute?
There are total 8 of us join this activities, from the top left it is from Cheryl, Geam, Cleo. And the bottom left is from Jiexi, Ying Pang, Lee Shin, and the last one Samantha.

First time join this kind of activities and it makes me happy and excited. Since everybody has received all the ATCs, we'll started to share some ideas and technique used in our ATCs. I've to admit that I'm still very new in card making and so much thing to learn from each of them.